Lorenzo Mari
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Journal articles

[a78]        C Trevisin, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo, V Colizza (2025)
Epidemiological indices with multiple circulating pathogen strains
Infectious Disease Modelling, in press [doi]
[a77]        C Trevisin, L Kamber, L Mari, N Chitnis, J Perez-Saez, S Sayasone, P Odermatt, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2024)
A spatially explicit model of the dynamics of Opisthorchis viverrini spread
Ecohydrology, in press [doi]
[a76]        MC Goodman, TD White, J Kazdan, D Bradley, M Shivji, R Casagrandi, L Mari, M Gatto, JG Eurich, D McCauley, RJ O'Connor, GA DeLeo, F Micheli (2024)
Reef shark population declines on remote Pacific reefs: Inferences from multiple methods in a data-limited fishery
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 751:97–114 [doi]
[a75]        IH Aslan, JD Pourtois, AJ Chamberlin, KR Mitchell, L Mari, KM Lwiza, CL Wood, EA Mordecai, A Yu, R Tuan, RGS Palasio, AM Monteiro, D Kirk, TS Athni, SH Sokolow, EK N'Goran, NR Diakite, M Ouattara, M Gatto, R Casagrandi, DC Little, RW Ozterick, R Normal, F Allan, AS Brierley, L Ping, TA Pereira, GA De Leo (2024)
Re-assessing thermal response of schistosomiasis transmission risk: evidence for a higher thermal optimum than previously predicted
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18:e001183 [doi]
[a74]        C Trevisin, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2024)
Epidemicity indices and reproduction numbers from infectious disease data in connected human populations
Infectious Disease Modelling, 9:875–891 [doi]
[a73]        C Vanalli, L Mari, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, IM Cattadori (2024)
Helminth ecological requirements shape the impact of climate change on the hazard of infection
Ecology Letters, 27:e14386 [doi]
[a72]        G Palma, D Caprioli, L Mari (2023)
Epidemic management via imperfect testing: A multi-criterial perspective
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85:66 [doi]
[a71]        F Guerrini, D Lobelle, L Mari, R Casagrandi, E van Sebille (2023)
Modelling carbon export mediated by biofouled microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea
Limnology and Oceanography, 68:1078–1090 [doi]
[a70]        C Vanalli, L Mari, R Casagrandi, B Boag, M Gatto, IM Cattadori (2023)
Modeling the contribution of antibody attack rates to single and dual helminth infections in a natural system
Mathematical Biosciences, 360:109010 [doi]
[a69]        E Stella, R Pastres, D Pasetto, M Kolega, D Mejdandžić, S Čolak, A Musmanno, A Gustinelli, L Mari, E Bertuzzo (2023)
A stratified compartmental model for the transmission of Sparicotyle chrysophrii in Sparus aurata farms
Royal Society Open Science, 10:221377 [doi]
[a68]        C Trevisin, E Bertuzzo, D Pasetto, L Mari, S Miccoli, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2023)
Spatially explicit effective reproduction numbers from incidence and mobility data
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 120:e2219816120 [doi]
[a67]        M Igoe, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, CM Hoover, L Mari, CN Ngonghala, JV Remais, JN Sanchirico, SH Sokolow, S Lenhart, GA de Leo (2023)
Reframing optimal control problems for infectious disease management in low income countries
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85:31 [doi]
[a66]        F Dagostin, C Vanalli, B Boag, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, L Mari, IM Cattadori (2023)
The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Immune-mediated facilitation contributes to fitness of co-infecting helmints
Journal of Animal Ecology, 92:477–491 [doi]
[a65]        JC Lemaitre, D Pasetto, M Zanon, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, S Miccoli, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2022)
Optimal control of the spatial allocation of COVID-19 vaccines: Italy as a case study
PLoS Computational Biology, 18:e1010237 [doi]
[a64]        ZYC Liu, AJ Chamberlin, K Tallam, IJ Jones, LL Lamore, J Bauer, M Bresciani, CM Wolfe, R Casagrandi, L Mari, M Gatto, AK Diongue, L Toure, J Rohr, G Riveau, N Jouanard, CL Wood, SH Sokolow, L Mandle, G Daily, EF Lambin, GA De Leo (2022)
Deep learning segmentation of satellite imagery identifies aquatic vegetation associated with snail intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis in Senegal, Africa
Remote Sensing, 14:1345 [doi]
[a63]        C Trevisin, JC Lemaitre, L Mari, D Pasetto, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2022)
Epidemicity of cholera spread and the fate of infection control measures
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19:20210844 [doi]
[a62]        F Guerrini, L Mari, R Casagrandi (2022)
A coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian model for microplastics as vectors of contaminants applied to the Mediterranean Sea
Environmental Research Letters, 17:024038 [doi]
[a61]        A Bernasconi, L Mari, R Casagrandi, S Ceri (2021)
Data-driven analysis of amino acid change dynamics timely reveals SARS-CoV-2 variant emergence
Scientific Reports, 11:21068 [doi]
[a60]        E Stella, L Mari, J Gabrieli, C Barbante, E Bertuzzo (2021)
Mapping environmental suitability for Anthrax reemergence in the Arctic
Environmental Research Letters, 16:105013 [doi]
[a59]        L Mari, P Melià, M Gatto, R Casagrandi (2021)
Identification of ecological hotspots for the seagrass Posidonia oceanica via metapopulation modeling
Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:628976 [doi]
[a58]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, E Bertuzzo, D Pasetto, S Miccoli, A Rinaldo, M Gatto (2021)
The epidemicity index of recurrent SARS-CoV-2 infections
Nature Communications, 12:2752 [doi]
[a57]        F Guerrini, L Mari, R Casagrandi (2021)
The dynamics of microplastics and associated contaminants: Data-driven Lagrangian and Eulerian modeling approaches in the Mediterranean Sea
Science of the Total Environment, 777:145944 [doi]
[a56]        C Vanalli, L Mari, L Righetto, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, IM Cattadori (2020)
Within-host mechanisms of immune regulation explain the contrasting dynamics of two helminth species in both single and dual infections
PLoS Computational Biology, 16:e1008438 [doi]
[a55]        E Stella, L Mari, J Gabrieli, C Barbante, E Bertuzzo (2020)
Permafrost dynamics and the risk of anthrax transmission: A modelling study
Scientific Reports, 10:16460 [doi]
[a54]        M Belharet, A Di Franco, A Calò, L Mari, J Claudet, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, J Lloret, C Sève, P Guidetti, P Melià (2020)
Extending full protection inside existing marine protected areas or reducing fishing effort outside can reconcile conservation and fisheries goals
Journal of Applied Ecology, 57:1948–1957 [doi]
[a53]        E Bertuzzo, L Mari, D Pasetto, S Miccoli, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2020)
The geography of COVID-19 spread in Italy and implications for the relaxation of confinement measures
Nature Communications, 11:4264 [doi]
[a52]        M Gatto, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, S Miccoli, L Carraro, R Casagrandi, A Rinaldo (2020)
Spread and dynamics of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy: Effects of emergency containment measures
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 117:10484–10491 [doi]
[a51]        L Mari, P. Melià, S Fraschetti, M Gatto, R Casagrandi (2020)
Spatial patterns and temporal variability of seagrass connectivity in the Mediterranean Sea
Diversity and Distributions, 26:169–182 [doi]
[a50]        CM Hoover, SH Sokolow, J Kemp, AJ Lund, I Jones, T Higginson, G Riveau, A Savaya-Alkalay, S Coyle, C Wood, F Micheli, R Casagrandi, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo, J Perez-Saez, JR Rohr, JN Sanchirico, A Sagi, JV Remais, GA De Leo (2019)
Modelled effects of prawn aquaculture on poverty alleviation and schistosomiasis control
Nature Sustainability, 2: 611–620 [doi]
[a49]        F Guerrini, L Mari, R Casagrandi (2019)
Modelling plastics exposure for the marine biota: Risk maps for fin whales in the Pelagos Sanctuary (North-Western Mediterranean)
Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:299 [doi]
[a48]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, E Bertuzzo, A Rinaldo, M Gatto (2019)
Conditions for transient epidemics of waterborne disease in spatially explicit systems
Royal Society Open Science, 6:181517 [doi]
[a47]        D Pasetto, S Arenas-Castro, J Bustamante, R Casagrandi, N. Chrysoulakis, AF Cord, A Dittrich, C Domingo, G El Sarafy, A Karnieli, G Kordelas, I Manakos, L Mari, A Monteiro, E Palazzi, D Poursanidis, A Rinaldo, S Terzago, A Ziemba, G Ziv (2018)
Integration of satellite Earth observations in ecosystem modelling: practices and trends
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:1810–1821 [doi]
[a46]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, A Rinaldo, M Gatto (2018)
Epidemicity thresholds for water-borne and water-related diseases
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 447:126–138 [doi]
[a45]        L Carraro, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo (2018)
Spread of proliferative kidney disease in fish along stream networks: a spatial metacommunity framework
Freshwater Biology, 63:114–127 [doi]
[a44]        L Carraro, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, I Fontes, H Hartikainen, N Streppareva, H Schmidt-Posthaus, T Wahli, J Jokela, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2017)
An integrated field, laboratory and theoretical study of PKD spread in a Swiss prealpine river
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 11992–11997 [doi]
[a43]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, A Rinaldo, M Gatto (2017)
A generalized definition of reactivity for ecological systems and the problem of transient species dynamics
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8:1574–1584 [doi]
[a42]        E Bertuzzo, L Mari (2017)
Hydrology, water resources and the epidemiology of water-related diseases
Advances in Water Resources, 108:329–331 [doi]
[a41]        M Ciddio, L Mari, SH Sokolow, G De Leo, R Casagrandi, M Gatto (2017)
The spatial spread of schistosomiasis: a multidimensional network model applied to Saint-Louis region, Senegal
Advances in Water Resources, 108:406–415 [doi]
[a40]        L Mari, M Ciddio, R Casagrandi, J Perez-Saez, E Bertuzzo, A Rinaldo, SH Sokolow, GA De Leo, M Gatto (2017)
Heterogeneity in schistosomiasis transmission dynamics
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 432:87–99 [doi]
[a39]        L Mari, L Bonaventura, A Storto, P Melià, M Gatto, S Masina, R Casagrandi (2017)
Understanding large-scale, long-term larval connectivity patterns: the case of the Northern Line Islands in the Central Pacific Ocean
PLoS ONE, 12:e0182681 [doi]
[a38]        A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo, M Blokesch, L Mari, M Gatto (2017)
Modeling key drivers of cholera transmission dynamics provides new perspectives on parasitology
Trends in Parasitology, 33:587–599 [doi]
[a37]        L Mari, M Gatto, M Ciddio, ED Dia, SH Sokolow, G De Leo, R Casagrandi (2017)
Big-data-driven modeling unveils country-wide drivers of endemic schistosomiasis
Scientific Reports, 7:489 [doi]
[a36]        E Bertuzzo, F Finger, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2016)
On the probability of extinction of the Haiti cholera epidemic
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30:2043–2055 [doi]
[a35]        L Carraro, L Mari, H Hartikainen, N Strepparava, T Wahli, J Jokela, M Gatto, A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo (2016)
An epidemiological model for proliferative kidney disease in salmonid populations
Parasites and Vectors, 9:487 [doi]
[a34]        F Finger, T Genolet, L Mari, G Constantin De Magny, NM Manga, A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo (2016)
Mobile phone data highlights the role of mass gatherings in the spreading of cholera outbreaks
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 113:6421–6426 [doi]
[a33]        J Perez-Saez, T Mande, N Ceperley, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2016)
Hydrology and density feedbacks control the ecology of the intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis across habitats in seasonal climates
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 113:6427–6432 [doi]
[a32]        E Bertuzzo, F Carrara, L Mari, F Altermatt, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2016)
Geomorphic controls on elevational gradients of species richness
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 113:1737–1742 [doi]
[a31]        J Perez-Saez, L Mari, E Bertuzzo, R Casagrandi, SH Sokolow, G De Leo, T Mande, N Ceperley, JM Frohelich, M Sou, H Karambiri, H Yacouba, A Maiga, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2015)
A theoretical analysis of the geography of schistosomiasis in Burkina Faso highlights the roles of human mobility and water resources development in disease transmission
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9:e0004127 [doi]
[a30]        L Righetto, RU Zaman, ZH Mahmud, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, S Islam, A Rinaldo (2015)
Detection of Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 in environmental waters of rural Bangladesh: a flow cytometry-based field trial
Epidemiology and Infection, 143:2330–2342 [doi]
[a29]        L Mari, E Bertuzzo, F Finger, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2015)
On the predictive ability of mechanistic models for the Haitian cholera epidemic
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12:20140840 [doi]
[a28]        M Ciddio, L Mari, M Gatto, A Rinaldo, R Casagrandi (2015)
The temporal patterns of disease severity and prevalence in schistosomiasis
Chaos, 25:036405 [doi]
[a27]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, E Bertuzzo, A Rinaldo, M Gatto (2014)
Floquet theory for seasonal environmental forcing of spatially-explicit waterborne epidemics
Theoretical Ecology, 7:351–365 [doi]
[a26]        F Finger, A Knox, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, D Bompangue, M Gatto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2014)
Cholera in the Lake Kivu region (DRC): integrating remote sensing and spatially-explicit epidemiological modeling
Water Resources Research, 50:5624–5637 [doi]
[a25]        S Ceola, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, G Botter, I Hödl, TJ Battin, M Gatto, A Rinaldo (2014)
Light and hydrologic variability as drivers of stream biofilm dynamics in a flume experiment: a modelling approach
Ecohydrology, 7:391–400 [doi]
[a24]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, E Bertuzzo, A Rinaldo, M Gatto (2014)
Metapopulation persistence and species spread in river networks
Ecology Letters, 17:426–434 [doi]
[a23]        I Hödl, L Mari, E Bertuzzo, S Suweis, K Besemer, A Rinaldo, TJ Battin (2014)
Biophysical controls on cluster dynamics and architectural differentiation of microbial biofilms in contrasting flow environments
Environmental Microbiology, 16:802–812 [doi]
[a22]        A Knox, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, D Odermatt, E Verrecchia, A Rinaldo (2014)
Optimizing a remotely-sensed proxy for plankton biomass in Lake Kivu
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35:5219–5238 [doi]
[a21]        L Mari (2014)
The Haiti cholera epidemic: from surveillance to action
Pathogens and Global Health, 108:3 [doi]
[a20]        L Righetto, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, E Schild, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2013)
Rainfall mediations in the spreading of epidemic cholera
Advances in Water Resources, 60:34–46 [doi]
[a19]        M Gatto, L Mari, E Bertuzzo, R Casagrandi, L Righetto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2013)
Spatially explicit conditions for waterborne pathogen invasion
The American Naturalist, 182:328–346 [doi]
[a18]        S Ceola, I Hödl, M Adlboller, G Singer, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, G Botter, J Waringer, TJ Battin, A Rinaldo (2013)
Hydrologic variability affects invertebrate grazing on phototrophic biofilms in stream microcosms
PLoS ONE, 8:e60629 [doi]
[a17]        M Gatto, L Mari, E Bertuzzo, R Casagrandi, L Righetto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2012)
Generalized reproduction numbers and the prediction of patterns in waterborne disease
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109:19703–19708 [doi]
[a16]        L Mari, E Bertuzzo, L Righetto, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2012)
On the role of human mobility in the spread of cholera epidemics: towards an epidemiological movement ecology
Ecohydrology, 5:531–540 [doi]
[a15]        S Suweis, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Maritan, A Rinaldo (2012)
On species persistence-time distributions
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 303:15–24 [doi]
[a14]        A Rinaldo, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, L Righetto, M Blokesch, M Gatto, R Casagrandi, M Murray, S Vesenbeckh, I Rodriguez-Iturbe (2012)
Reassessment of the 2010-2011 Haiti cholera outbreak and rainfall-driven multi-season projections
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109:6602–6607 [doi]
[a13]        E Bertuzzo, L Mari, L Righetto, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2012)
Hydroclimatology of dual-peak annual cholera incidence: insights from a spatially explicit model
Geophysical Research Letters, 39:L05403 [doi]
[a12]        L Righetto, R Casagrandi, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, M Gatto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2012)
The role of aquatic reservoir fluctuations in long-term cholera patterns
Epidemics, 4:33–42 [doi]
[a11]        L Mari, E Bertuzzo, L Righetto, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2012)
Modeling cholera epidemics: the role of waterways, human mobility and sanitation
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9:376–388 [doi]
[a10]        A Rinaldo, M Blokesch, E Bertuzzo, L Mari, L Righetto, M Murray, M Gatto, R Casagrandi, I Rodriguez-Iturbe (2011)
A transmission model of the 2010 cholera epidemic in Haiti
Annals of Internal Medicine, 155:403–404 [doi]
[a9]        L Mari, E Bertuzzo, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, SA Levin, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2011)
Hydrologic controls and anthropogenic drivers of the zebra mussel invasion of the Mississippi-Missouri river system
Water Resources Research, 47:W03523 [doi]
[a8]        E Bertuzzo, L Mari, L Righetto, M Gatto, R Casagrandi, M Blokesch, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2011)
Prediction of the spatial evolution and effects of control measures for the unfolding Haiti cholera outbreak
Geophysical Research Letters, 38:L06403 [doi]
[a7]        E Bertuzzo, S Suweis, L Mari, A Maritan, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo (2011)
Spatial effects on species persistence and implications for biodiversity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 108:4346–4351 [doi]
[a6]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, MT Pisani, E Pucci, M Gatto (2009)
When will the zebra mussel reach Florence? A model for the spread of Dreissena polymorpha in the Arno water system (Italy)
Ecohydrology, 2:428–439 [doi]
[a5]        L Mari, M Gatto, R Casagrandi (2009)
Central-place seed foraging and vegetation patterns
Theoretical Population Biology, 76:229–240 [doi]
[a4]        L Mari, C Biotto, A Decoene, L Bonaventura (2009)
A coupled ecological-hydrodynamic model for the spatial distribution of sessile aquatic species in thermally forced basins
Ecological Modelling, 220:2310–2324 [doi]
[a3]        L Mari, R Casagrandi, M Gatto, T Avgar, R Nathan (2008)
Movement strategies of seed predators as determinants of plant recruitment patterns
The American Naturalist, 172:694–711 [doi]
[a2]        L Mari, M Gatto, R Casagrandi (2008)
Local resource competition and the skewness of the sex ratio: a demographic model
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 5:813–830 [doi]
[a1]        R Casagrandi, L Mari, M Gatto (2007)
Modelling the local dynamics of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)
Freshwater Biology, 52:1223–1238 [doi]


       D Martinetti, D Stucchi, D Bevacqua, L Mari, R Casagrandi
Potential epidemiological risks of downwind exposure to airborne pathogens from thawing Siberian permafrost
       B He, Q Li, Z Li, J Zhao, L Mari
Ocean acidification drives vulnerability of seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean Sea
       D Martinetti, L Erbetta, D Bevacqua, O Bonnefon, M Gatto, L Mari, R Casagrandi
Spatial population dynamics of the Japanese beetle invasion in Europe
       L Mari, C Trevisin, A Rinaldo, M Gatto
Sufficient reproduction numbers to prevent recurrent epidemics

Conferences and other publications

For a full list of publications please refer to this extended CV.